Monday, 19 July 2010

First Person. Positive.

I'm currently rewriting my NaNoWriMo novel from last year - Sea Fever.

At the time, I wrote it because the idea had been hanging around in my head for years, taking up valuable space, and I figured that if I just gave it a month is would be happy, satisfied, and leave me be. After all, it's a YA, paranormal murder mystery. I'm a contemporary women's fiction kind of a gal. It was just a fun side project for thirty days.

Fast forward eight months, and the situation's slightly different. With my agent turning down my latest women's fic offering, maybe it is time to look for something different. And heaven knows I needed something fun to work on for a while.

So I pulled out Sea Fever again. I did some more world building and research to beef it up. I started idly outlining sequels, making it the first in a series, although still a stand alone novel in its own right. I workshopped the characters, and their journeys.

I started the actual revision and...

... found it really needed to be in first person, not third.

It's a lot of work. The first draft had two POV characters; taking it down to one means I have to find a way to incorporate all the things that the second character saw and thought and felt into the Stella's narrative.

And, yes, I'm aware that Stella was supposed to get a roasting from Dylan yesterday. This is why that's delayed.

But it works better in Stella's first person POV. I'm only a couple of scenes in and I can see that already.

And I'm excited about the story. About all of it.

I'm writing on, but less calmly. And that's fine by me.


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A blog about writing, and making, and doing, in the face of disappointment and rather stupid odds.
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One More Night

Pink Gin Presents



How To Revise Your Novel
